In Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010, you can create the massing geometry in any of these three environments: Family Editor, Conceptual Design, and Project.
To start creating the massing geometry in the Family Editor, choose New > Family from Application Menu; the New Family - Select Template File dialog box will be displayed. In this dialog box, choose the Generic Model.rft fi le (commonly used) from the Imperial Templates folder and then choose Open; a new fi le will open in the Family Editor environment. In the new file, create the massing geometry using various tools available in the ribbon.
The Conceptual Design environment is a new environment in Revit Architecture. This environment is a type of Family Editor that provides advanced modeling tools and techniques for creating massing families. To start creating a mass in this environment, choose New > Conceptual Mass from Application Menu; the New Conceptual Mass - Select Template File dialog box will be displayed. In this dialog box, select the Mass template file from the Conceptual Mass folder and then choose Open; a new file in the Conceptual Design environment will open. In the new fi le, you can create the massing geometry using various tools available in the ribbon.
The Project environment is the most common environment used in a project design. To start creating a mass in this environment, open a new file or an existing file by choosing New > Project or Open > Project from Application Menu. After opening a new fi le or an existing file, choose the Massing & Site tab from the ribbon. In this tab, the massing tools can be accessed from the Conceptual Mass panel. The Conceptual Mass panel contains the following tools for massing: In-Place Mass, Show Mass, Place Mass, and Model by Face.
The options in the Model by Face tool are used to convert the conceptual mass created into real building elements like walls, fl oors, roofs, and curtain systems. As such, this tool is also called the Building Maker tools. When you create shapes in massing, Autodesk Revit Architecture creates its corresponding building elements. It is, therefore, imperative to consider the associativity of the massing and
shell elements. The massing elements may need to be transformed into individual building elements simultaneously. Therefore, the massing geometry must be created accordingly. For example, when you create a complex geometric massing shape and convert faces into building elements, you may fi nd that certain planes do not acquire the desired building element characteristics. The inclined planes and the curved surfaces are converted into in-place roofs.
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